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Fusion with Google GKE and Google object storage

Fusion streamlines the deployment of Nextflow pipeline in a Kubernetes cluster, because it replaces the need to configure and maintain a shared file system in your cluster.

This feature requires Nextflow 23.02.1-edge or later.

Cluster preparation

  1. Create a GKE "standard" cluster ("Autopilot" is not supported yet). See Google documentation for details.
  2. Make sure to use instance types with 2 or more CPUs and providing SSD instance storage (families: n1, n2, c2, m1, m2, m3)
  3. Make sure to enable the Workload identity feature when creating (or updating) the cluster
    • "Enable Workload Identity" in the cluster "Security" setting
    • "Enable GKE Metadata Server" in the node group "Security" settings
    • Configure the cluster following the See the Google documentation for details. documentation
    • The following values were used in this example (replace them with values corresponding your environment):
      • CLUSTER_NAME: the GKE cluster name e.g. cluster-1
      • COMPUTE_REGION: the GKE cluster region e.g. europe-west1
      • NAMESPACE: the GKE namespace e.g. fusion-demo
      • KSA_NAME: the GKE service account name e.g. fusion-sa
      • GSA_NAME: the Google service account e.g. gsa-demo
      • GSA_PROJECT: the Google project id e.g. my-nf-project-261815
      • PROJECT_ID: the Google project id e.g. my-nf-project-261815
      • ROLE_NAME: the role to grant access permission to the Google Storage bucket e.g. roles/storage.admin
  4. Create the K8s role and rolebinding required to run Nextflow applying the Kubernetes config shown below:
kind: Role
namespace: fusion-demo
name: fusion-role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods", "pods/status", "pods/log", "pods/exec"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete"]
kind: RoleBinding
namespace: fusion-demo
name: fusion-rolebind
kind: Role
name: fusion-role
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: fusion-sa
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
namespace: fusion-demo
name: fusion-sa-token
annotations: fusion-sa

Nextflow configuration

The minimal Nextflow configuration looks like the following:

wave.enabled = true
fusion.enabled = true
process.executor = 'k8s'
process.scratch = false
k8s.context = '<YOUR-GKE-CLUSTER-CONTEXT>'
k8s.namespace = 'fusion-demo'
k8s.serviceAccount = 'fusion-sa'
k8s.pod.nodeSelector = ''

In the above snippet replace <YOUR-GKE-CLUSTER-CONTEXT> with the name of the context in you Kubernetes configuration, and save it to a file named nextflow.config into the pipeline launching directory.

Then launch the pipeline execution with the usual run command:

nextflow run <YOUR PIPELINE SCRIPT> -w gs://<YOUR-BUCKET>/work

Make sure to specify a Google Storage bucket to which you have read-write access as work directory.