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Fusion using local execution and S3 object storage

Fusion allow running Nextflow pipeline using the local executor and a S3 bucket as the pipeline scratch directory. This can be useful to scale vertically your pipeline execution using a large EC2 instance and without requiring to allocate a large EBS volume for the pipeline temporary data.

The pipeline configuration looks like the following:

wave.enabled = true
docker.enabled = true
fusion.enabled = true
fusion.exportAwsAccessKeys = true

Save the above snippet to a file named nextflow.config into the pipeline launching directory.

Then launch the pipeline execution with the usual run command:

nextflow run <YOUR PIPELINE SCRIPT> -w s3://<YOUR-BUCKET>/work

Replacing YOUR PIPELINE SCRIPT with the URI of your pipeline Git repository and YOUR-BUCKET with a S3 bucket of your choice.

To achieve best performance make sure to setup a SSD volumes as temporary directory. See the section SSD storage for details.