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Version: 23.1

Compute environment configuration



As of Tower 21.10.1, it is recommended to define your compute environments via the TOWER_ENABLE_PLATFORMS variable.

Earlier implementations which rely on the MICRONAUT_ENVIRONMENTS variable will continue to work and do not require modification.

Tower allows the deployment of Nextflow pipelines on various execution platforms.

Populate the TOWER_ENABLE_PLATFORMS configuration variable with the platforms which your organization makes availabe to its Tower users.


# Include all available platforms, separating each value with a comma.

The following options are available:

  • awsbatch-platform: AWS Batch cloud compute service
  • gls-platform: Google Life Sciences cloud compute service
  • azbatch-platform: Azure Batch cloud compute service
  • lsf-platform: IBM LSF batch scheduler
  • slurm-platform: Slurm batch scheduler
  • altair-platform: Altair PBS pro batch scheduler
  • uge-platform: GridEngine batch scheduler
  • k8s-platform: Kubernetes compute platform
  • eks-platform: AWS EKS compute platform
  • gke-platform: Google Kubernetes Engine compute platform
  • googlebatch-platform: Google Batch cloud compute service



These are required variables. Do not edit these values. As of Tower 21.1.0, the TOWER_ENABLE_PLATFORMS environment variable should be used to define your compute environment platforms.

The Tower cron and backend containers are both based on container image The values supplied to this configuration variable control the behavior of the resulting container.

# Settings for <CRON> container.

# Only for <BACKEND> container.