Getting started with Seqera
Welcome to your central resource for analysis development with Seqera.
Here you will learn how to compose data analysis pipelines, optimize resource utilization, safeguard reproducibility, and ensure data integrity.
You can also learn how to establish your own centralized hub for managing & executing pipelines, and how to leverage the cloud to scale for your data analysis requirements.
Read the docs, take part, and join the community today!
Nextflow resources
- Nextflow user documentation for the latest stable and edge releases.
- Common usage patterns for writing Nextflow pipelines.
- Extension packages (X-PACK) for using Nextflow on Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud.
- Awesome Nextflow – a curated list of Nextflow pipelines.
- nf-core – a community effort to collect a curated set of analysis pipelines built using Nextflow.
- A best-practices resource for executing Nextflow workflows on Kubernetes.
Seqera Platform resources
- The Seqera Platform User documentation is the reference for managing pipelines with Seqera Platform
- Seqera Command Line Interface brings it to the terminal
- Repository containing AWS IAM policies to create roles with appropriate Batch Forge and launch permissions
- For installation and configuration, the Seqera Platform deployment guide provides docs, scripts and detailed instructions.
- A practical how-to guide for automating workflows - from sequencing data to results using Tower.
Training and workshop material
- The Seqera complete training material and workshop for learning Nextflow and Tower
- The nf-core tutorial — a guide for getting started with developing Nextflow pipelines using the nf-core framework.
- A Software Carpentries guide to Nextflow and nf-core under incubation
- An introduction to Nextflow course from Uppsala University
External guides
- Overview from 23andMe introducing and describing why they choose Nextflow to orchestrate millions of tasks for their imputation pipelines
- Nextflow on AWS Batch from the Genomics Workflows on AWS resources
- Workshop for Nextflow on AWS Batch from the team at Amazon EC2 Spot
- Guide from Google for running Nextflow on Google Cloud using the Google Life Sciences executor
- Microsoft template for deploying a Nextflow Genomics Cluster in Azure
- Quickstart guide from Microsoft Genomics for getting up and running with Nextflow on Azure