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Build a container from a Dockerfile

The Wave CLI supports building a container from a Dockerfile. Specifying an optional build context allows the use of ADD and COPY commands in a Dockerfile.

Building a Dockerfile that requires --build-arg for build time variables isn't currently supported.

  • --containerfile or -f: A Dockerfile to build. Build args aren't currently supported.
  • --context: A directory that contains the context for the build.

Example usage

In the following example Dockerfile, several packages are installed:

cat << EOF > ./Dockerfile
FROM alpine

RUN apk update && apk add bash cowsay \
--update-cache \
--repository \
--repository \

Build and run the container based on the Dockerfile in the previous example by running the following command:

container=$(wave --containerfile ./Dockerfile)
docker run --rm $container cowsay "Hello world"

In the following example Dockerfile, a local context is used:

cat << EOF > ./Dockerfile
FROM alpine
ADD /usr/local/bin/

Create the shell script referenced in the previous example by running the following commands in your terminal:

mkdir -p build-context/
printf 'echo Hello world!' > build-context/
chmod +x build-context/

Build and run the container based on the Dockerfile in the previous example by running the following command:

docker run $(wave -f Dockerfile --context build-context) sh -c