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Version: 23.2

Shared workspaces


Nextflow Tower introduces the concept of shared workspaces as a solution for synchronization and resource sharing within an organization.

A shared workspace enables the creation of pipelines in a centralized location, making them accessible to all members of an organization.

The benefits of using a shared workspace within an organization include:

  • Define once and share everywhere: Set up shared resources once and automatically share them across the organization.

  • Centralize the management of key resources: Organization administrators can ensure the correct pipeline configuration is used in all areas of an organization without needing to replicate pipelines across multiple workspaces.

  • Immediate update adoption: Updated parameters for a shared pipeline become immediately available across the entire organization, reducing the risk of pipeline discrepancies.

  • Computational resource provision: Pipelines in shared workflows can be shared along with the required computational resources. This eliminates the need to duplicate resource setup in individual workspaces across the organization. Shared workspaces in Tower centralize and simplify resource sharing within an organization.

Create a shared workspace

Creating a shared workspace is similar to the creation of a private workspace, with the exception of the Visibility option, which must be set to Shared.

Create a shared pipeline

When creating a pipeline within a shared workspace, associating it with a compute environment is optional.

If a compute environment from the shared workspace is associated with the pipeline, it will be available to users in other workspaces who can launch the shared pipeline using the provided environment by default.

Use shared pipelines from a private workspace

Once a pipeline is set up in a shared workspace and associated with a compute environment within that shared workspace, any user can launch the pipeline from a private workspace using the shared workspace's compute environment. This eliminates the need for users to replicate shared compute environments in their private workspaces.


The shared compute environment will not be available to launch other pipelines limited to that specific private workspace.

If a pipeline from a shared workspace is shared without an associated compute environment, users from other workspaces can run it from their local workspaces. By default, the primary compute environment of the local workspace will be selected.

Make shared pipelines visible in a private workspace

To view pipelines from shared workspaces, set the Filter -> Pipelines from option to This and shared workspaces on the Launchpad.


Currently, the pipelines from all shared workspaces are visible when the visibility is set to "Shared workspaces".