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Version: 24.1

Test installation

After your Docker Compose or Kubernetes installation is complete, follow these steps to test whether the application is running as expected:

  1. Log in to the application.

  2. Create an organization.

  3. Create a workspace within the organization.

  4. Create a new compute environment.

  5. Add your GitHub credentials.

  6. Select Quick Launch from the Launchpad tab in your workspace.

  7. Enter the repository URL for the nf-core/rnaseq pipeline (

  8. In the Config profiles drop-down menu, select the test profile.

  9. In Pipeline parameters, change the output directory to a location based on your compute environment:

    # Uncomment to save to an S3 bucket
    # outdir: s3://<your-bucket>/results

    # Uncomment to save to a scratch directory (Kubernetes)
    # outdir: /scratch/results
  10. Select Launch. You'll be redirected to the Runs tab for the workflow. After a few minutes, progress logs will be listed in that workflow's Execution log tab.