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Version: 23.3

CloudFormation deployment (deprecated)

!!! danger "Deprecated" This deployment option is deprecated, and will be removed in the future. We strongly recommend against using this option unless you're sufficiently experienced with CloudFormation to customize this template for your own infrastructure.

Tower can be deployed via AWS CloudFormation, using the included configuration.

This guide assumes that all prerequisites have been met.

Set up an ECS cluster

  1. Navigate to the ECS console in AWS.

  2. Select Create cluster.

  3. Select Amazon ECS > Clusters > EC2 Linux + Networking.

ECS Cluster Configuration

  • Name: nf-tower

Instance Configuration

  • Provisioning Model: On-demand
  • EC2 instance type: c4.2xlarge
  • Number of instances: 1
  • EC2 AMI ID: Amazon Linux 2
  • Root EBS Volume Size (GiB): none
  • Key pair: none

Networking Configuration

  • Create a new VPC

Container instance IAM role

  • Create a new role (if the ecsInstance role doesn't exist)

Instance ServerURL

  • Record the public IP of the instance in the ECS cluster e.g.,

Deploy Tower

  1. Download aws-ecs-cloudformation.json and params.json.template.

  2. Rename params.template.json to params.json and configure for your environment.

    For more information on configuration, visit the Configuration section.

  3. Deploy the Tower stack to your ECS cluster:

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name Tower \
    --template-body file://aws-ecs-cloudformation.json \
    --parameters file://params.json

You can delete the stack at any time, to uninstall Tower or update any parameters:

aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name Tower