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Version: 24.2

Use AWS IAM roles

AWS-based customers can configure Seqera Platform to authenticate to AWS services like Batch with an IAM Role instead of IAM user credentials.


The provided policies were designed with certain assumptions:

  1. IAM Policy: Seqera must have full access to identified S3 buckets.
  2. Trust Policy: The Role should be assumable by EC2 or EKS (depending on your Seqera deployment), and only specifically-named IAM actors.

You may wish to limit S3 access to specific prefixes, and/or Role assumption to more specific platforms.

Configure the Seqera IAM policy

  1. Download the custom IAM Policy.
  2. Download the S3 bucket write policy.
  3. Modify the S3 bucket write policy by adding "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET-NAME" for each bucket that will be used as a pipeline work directory.
  4. Revise the scope of access to a specific prefix in the S3 buckets, if needed (modify "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/*").

AWS credentials in Seqera are used to access S3 cloud buckets in Data Explorer. If the scope of access for the Seqera IAM policy excludes buckets or directories you need to access in Data Explorer, create additional Seqera credentials with S3 access specific to your Data Explorer needs.

Modify the Seqera IAM role trust policy (optional)

You can optionally create a Seqera role trust policy to allow EC2 instances or EKS clusters (depending on your Seqera deployment) to assume the Seqera IAM role.

  1. Download the Seqera IAM role trust policy.
  2. Replace YOUR-AWS-ACCOUNT with your AWS Account ID.
  3. Replace USER-OR-ROLE/USER-OR-ROLE-ID with the users and or roles that must be able to assume the Seqera IAM role.

Create the IAM artifacts

Create the IAM artifacts in your AWS account.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing your configured IAM documents:

  2. Create the Role:

    aws iam create-role --role-name Seqera-Role --assume-role-policy-document file://Seqera-Role-Trust-Policy.json
  3. Create an inline policy for the Role:

    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name Seqera-Role --policy-name Seqera-Role-Policy --policy-document file://Seqera-Role-Policy.json
  4. Create an instance profile:

    aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name Seqera-Instance
  5. Bind the Role to the instance profile:

    aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name Seqera-Instance --role-name Seqera-Role

Configure Seqera

With the IAM artifacts created, update your application configuration:

  1. Add the following entry to your tower.env

  2. Restart the Seqera application.

  3. Verify that the change took effect by querying the Seqera instance service-info endpoint:

    curl -X GET "https://YOUR-TOWER-DOMAIN/api/service-info" -H "Accept: application/json" | jq ".serviceInfo.allowInstanceCredentials"
  4. Log in to Seqera and create a new AWS credential. You are now prompted for an AWS arn instead of access keys.