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Version: 24.3

YAML configuration

Seqerakit supports the creation and deletion of the following Seqera Platform resources, listed here with their respective Platform CLI resource names:

  • Pipeline actions: actions
  • Compute environments: compute-envs
  • Credentials: credentials
  • Datasets: datasets
  • Labels (including resource labels): labels
  • Pipeline launch: launch
  • Organization members: members
  • Organizations: organizations
  • Workspace and team participants: participants
  • Pipelines: pipelines
  • Pipeline secrets: secrets
  • Teams: teams
  • Workspaces: workspaces

To determine the options to provide as definitions in your YAML file, run the Platform CLI help command for the resource you want to create.

  1. Retrieve CLI options:

    Obtain a list of available CLI options for defining your YAML file with the Platform CLI help command. For example, to add a pipeline to your workspace, view the options for adding a pipeline:

    tw pipelines add -h
    Usage: tw pipelines add [OPTIONS] PIPELINE_URL

    Add a workspace pipeline.

    * PIPELINE_URL Nextflow pipeline URL.

    * -n, --name=<name> Pipeline name.
    -w, --workspace=<workspace> Workspace numeric identifier (TOWER_WORKSPACE_ID as default) or workspace reference as OrganizationName/WorkspaceName
    -d, --description=<description> Pipeline description.
    --labels=<labels>[,<labels>...] List of labels seperated by coma.
    -c, --compute-env=<computeEnv> Compute environment name.
    --work-dir=<workDir> Path where the pipeline scratch data is stored.
    -p, --profile=<profile>[,<profile>...] Comma-separated list of one or more configuration profile names you want to use for this pipeline execution.
    --params-file=<paramsFile> Pipeline parameters in either JSON or YML format.
    --revision=<revision> A valid repository commit Id, tag or branch name.
  2. Define key-value pairs in YAML:

    Translate each CLI option into a key-value pair in the YAML file. The structure of your YAML file should reflect the hierarchy and format of the CLI options. For example:

    - name: 'my_first_pipeline'
    url: ''
    workspace: 'my_organization/my_workspace'
    description: 'My test pipeline'
    labels: 'yeast,test_data'
    compute-env: 'my_compute_environment'
    work-dir: 's3://my_bucket'
    profile: 'test'
    params-file: '/path/to/params.yaml'
    revision: '1.0'

    In this example:

    • The keys (name, url, workspace, and so forth) are the keys derived from the CLI options.
    • The corresponding values are user-defined.

Best practices

  • The indentation and structure of the YAML file must be correct — YAML is sensitive to formatting.
  • Use quotes around strings that contain special characters or spaces.
  • To list multiple values (such as multiple labels, instance-types, or allow-buckets), separate values with commas. This is shown with labels in the preceding example.
  • For complex configurations, see Templates.


See Templates for YAML file templates for each of the entities that can be created in Seqera.

YAML Configuration Options

Some options handled specially by seqerakit or not exposed as tw CLI options can be provided in your YAML configuration file.

Pipeline parameters using params and params-file

To specify pipeline parameters, use params: to specify a list of parameters or params-file: to point to a parameters file.

For example, to specify pipeline parameters within your YAML:

outdir: 's3://path/to/outdir'
fasta: 's3://path/to/reference.fasta'

To specify a file containing pipeline parameters:

params-file: '/path/to/my/parameters.yaml'

Or provide both:

params-file: '/path/to/my/parameters.yaml'
outdir: 's3://path/to/outdir'
fasta: 's3://path/to/reference.fasta'

If duplicate parameters are provided, the parameters provided as key-value pairs inside the params nested dictionary of the YAML file will take precedence over values in the params-file.


For every entity defined in your YAML file, specify overwrite: True to overwrite any existing Seqera entities of the same name.

Seqerakit will first check to see if the name of the entity exists. If so, it will invoke a tw <resource> delete command before attempting to create it based on the options defined in the YAML file.

DEBUG:root: Overwrite is set to 'True' for organizations

DEBUG:root: Running command: tw -o json organizations list
DEBUG:root: The attempted organizations resource already exists. Overwriting.

DEBUG:root: Running command: tw organizations delete --name $SEQERA_ORGANIZATION_NAME
DEBUG:root: Running command: tw organizations add --name $SEQERA_ORGANIZATION_NAME --full-name $SEQERA_ORGANIZATION_NAME --description 'Example of an organization'

Specify JSON configuration files with file-path

The Platform CLI allows the export and import of entities through JSON configuration files for pipelines and compute environments. To use these files to add a pipeline or compute environment to a workspace, use the file-path key to specify a path to a JSON configuration file.

An example of the file-path option is provided in the compute-envs.yaml template:

- name: 'my_aws_compute_environment' # required
workspace: 'my_organization/my_workspace' # required
credentials: 'my_aws_credentials' # required
wait: 'AVAILABLE' # optional
file-path: './compute-envs/my_aws_compute_environment.json' # required
overwrite: True