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Version: 22.4



Pipeline actions allow launching of pipelines based on events.

Tower currently offers support for native GitHub webhooks and a general Tower webhook that can be invoked programmatically. Support for Bitbucket and GitLab are coming soon.

GitHub webhooks

A GitHub webhook listens for any changes made in the pipeline repository. When a change occurs, Tower triggers the launch of the pipeline automatically.

To create a new Pipeline action, select the Actions tab and select Add Action.

  1. Enter a Name for your Action.

  2. Select GitHub webhook as the Event source.

  3. Select the Compute environment where the pipeline will be executed.

  4. Select the Pipeline to launch and (optionally) the Revision number.

  5. Enter the Work directory, the Config profiles, and the Pipeline parameters.

  6. Select Add.

The pipeline action is now setup. When a new commit occurs for the selected repository and revision, an event will be triggered in Tower and the pipeline will be launched.

Tower launch hooks

A Tower launch hook creates a custom endpoint URL which can be used to trigger the execution of your pipeline programmatically from a script or web service.

To create a new Pipeline action, select the Actions tab and select Add Action.

  1. Enter a Name for your Action.

  2. Select Tower launch hook as the event source.

  3. Select the Compute environment to execute your pipeline.

  4. Enter the Pipeline to launch and (optionally) the Revision number.

  5. Enter the Work directory, the Config profiles, and the Pipeline parameters.

  6. Select Add.

The pipeline action has been created, and the new endpoint can be used to programmatically launch the corresponding pipeline. The snippet below shows an example curl command with the authentication token.

When you create a Tower launch hook, you also create an access token for launching pipelines through Tower. Access tokens can be managed on the tokens page, which is also accessible from the navigation menu.