FAQ and troubleshooting
Administration Console
Q: How do I access the Administration Console?
The Administration Console allows Tower instance administrators to interact with all users and organizations registered with the platform. Administrators must be identified in your Tower instance configuration files prior to instantiation of the application.
Create a
environment variable (e.g. via tower.env or Kubernetes ConfigMap). -
Populate the variable with a sequence of comma-delimited email addresses (no spaces).
If using a Tower version earlier than 21.12:
- Add the following configuration to tower.yml:
root-users: "${TOWER_ROOT_USERS:[]}" -
Restart the
containers/Deployments. -
The console will now be available via your Profile drop-down menu.
Q:I am trying to query more results than the maximum return size allows. Can I do pagination?
Yes. We recommend using pagination to fetch the results in smaller chunks through multiple API calls with the help of max
and subsequent offset
parameters. You will receive an error like below if you run into the maximum result limit.
{object} length parameter cannot be greater than 100 (current value={value_sent})
We have laid out an example below using the workflow endpoint.
curl -X GET "https://$TOWER_SERVER_URL/workflow/$WORKFLOW_ID/tasks?workspaceId=$WORKSPACE_ID&max=100" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN"
curl -X GET "https://$TOWER_SERVER_URL/workflow/$WORKFLOW_ID/tasks?workspaceId=$WORKSPACE_ID&max=100&offset=100" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN"
Q: Why am I receiving a 403 HTTP Response when trying to launch a pipeline via the /workflow/launch
API endpoint?
Launch users have more restricted permissions within a Workspace than Power users. While both can launch pipelines via API calls, Launch users must specify additional values that are optional for a Power user.
One such value is launch.id
; attempting to launch a pipeline without specifying a launch.id
in the API payload is equivalent to using the "Start Quick Launch" button within a workspace (a feature only available to Power users).
If you have encountered the 403 error as a result of being a Launch user who did not provide a launch.id
, please try resolving the problem as follows:
Provide the launch ID to the payload sent to the tower using the same endpoint. To do this;
Query the list of pipelines via the
endpoint. Find thepipelineId
of the pipeline you intend to launch. -
Once you have the
, call the/pipelines/{pipelineId}/launch
API to retrieve the pipeline'slaunch.id
. -
Include the
in your call to the/workflow/launch
API endpoint (see example below).{
"launch": {
"id": "Q2kVavFZNVCBkC78foTvf",
"computeEnvId": "4nqF77d6N1JoJrVrrgB8pH",
"runName": "sample-run",
"pipeline": "https://github.com/sample-repo/project",
"workDir": "s3://myBucketName",
"revision": "main"
If a launch id remains unavailable to you, upgrade your user role to 'Maintain' or higher. This will allow you to execute quick launch-type pipeline invocations.
Common Errors
Q: After following the log-in link, why is my screen frozen at /auth?success=true
Starting with v22.1, Tower Enterprise implements stricter cookie security by default and will only send an auth cookie if the client is connected via HTTPS. The lack of an auth token will cause HTTP-only log-in attempts to fail (thereby causing the frozen screen).
To remediate this problem, set the following environment variable TOWER_ENABLE_UNSAFE_MODE=true
Q: "Unknown pipeline repository or missing credentials" error when pulling from a public Github repository?
Github imposes rate limits on repository pulls (including public repositories), where unauthenticated requests are capped at 60 requests/hour and authenticated requests are capped at 5000/hour. Tower users tend to encounter this error due to the 60 request/hour cap.
To resolve the problem, please try the following:
Ensure there is at least one Github credential in your Workspace's Credentials tab.
Ensure that the Access token field of all Github Credential objects is populated with a Personal Access Token value, NOT a user password. (_Github PATs are typically several dozen characters long and begin with a
prefix; example:ghp*IqIMNOZH6zOwIEB4T9A2g4EHMy8Ji42q4HA
*) -
Confirm that your PAT is providing the elevated threshold and transactions are being charged against it:
curl -H "Authorization: token ghp_LONG_ALPHANUMERIC_PAT" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/rate_limit
Q: "Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)" error.
This error can occur if incorrect configuration values are assigned to the backend
and cron
environment variable. You may see other unexpected system behaviour like two exact copies of the same Nextflow job be submitted to the Executor for scheduling.
Please verify the following:
- The
environment variable associated with thebackend
container:- Contains
- Does not contain
- Contains
- The
environment variable associated with thecron
container:- Contains
- Does not contain
- Contains
- You do not have another copy of the
environment variable defined elsewhere in your application (e.g. a tower.env file or Kubernetes ConfigMap). - If you are using a separate container/pod to execute migrate-db.sh, there is no
environment variable assigned to it.
Q: Why do I get a chmod: cannot access PATH/TO/bin/*: No such file or directory
This error will be thrown if you attempt to run chmod
against an S3/fusion-backed workdir which contains only hidden files.
The behaviour is patched in Nextflow v22.09.7-edge. If you are unable to upgrade please see the original bug report for alternative workarounds.
Q: "No such variable" error.
This error can occur if you execute a DSL 1-based Nextflow workflow using Nextflow 22.03.0-edge or later.
Q: Does the sleep command work the same way across my entire script?
The sleep
commands within your Nextflow workflows may differ in behaviour depending on where they are:
- If used within an
block, the Groovy sleep function will be used (which takes its value in milliseconds). - If used within a process script block, that language's sleep binary/method will be used. Example: this BASH script uses the BASH sleep binary, which takes its value in seconds.
Q: Why does re-launching/resuming a run fail with field revision is not writable
A known issue with Tower versions prior to 22.3 caused resuming runs to fail for users with the launch role. This issue was fixed in Tower 22.3. Upgrade to the latest version of Tower to allow launch users to resume runs.
Compute Environments
Q: Can the name of a Compute Environment created in Tower contain special characters?
No. Tower version 21.12 and later do not support the inclusion of special characters in the name of Compute Environment objects.
Q: How do I set NXF_OPTS values for a Compute Environment?
This depends on your Tower version:
For v22.1.1+, specify the values via the Environment variables section of the "Add Compute Environment" screen.
For versions earlier than v22.1.1, specify the values via the Staging options > Pre-run script textbox on the "Add Compute Environment" screen. Example:
export NXF_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m"
Q: Can I use rootless containers in my Nextflow pipelines?
Most containers use the root user by default. However, some users prefer to define a non-root user in the container in order to minimize the risk of privilege escalation. Because Nextflow and its tasks use a shared work directory to manage input and output data, using rootless containers can lead to file permissions errors in some environments:
touch: cannot touch '/fsx/work/ab/27d78d2b9b17ee895b88fcee794226/.command.begin': Permission denied
As of Tower 22.1.0 or later, this issue should not occur when using AWS Batch. In other situations, you can avoid this issue by forcing all task containers to run as root. To do so, add one of the following snippets to your Nextflow configuration:
// cloud executors
process.containerOptions = "--user 0:0"
// Kubernetes
k8s.securityContext = [
"runAsUser": 0,
"runAsGroup": 0
Cost estimation
Q: Does the Tower cost estimator account for resumed runs?
The cost estimator value displayed is the aggregate value of all compute costs associated with the run (for cached and newly-executed tasks). Example: If you resume your pipeline twice to reach completion, the cost estimate displayed for <WORKFLOW_NAME>_2
accounts for the costs accrued over all three runs.
Note: The Tower cost estimator should only be used for at-a-glance heuristic purposes. For accounting and legal cost reporting, use Tower resource labels and leverage your compute platform's native cost reporting tools.
Q: Help! I upgraded to Tower Enterprise 22.2.0 and now my database connect is failing.
Tower Enterprise 22.2.0 introduced a breaking change whereby the TOWER_DB_DRIVER
is now required to be org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
Clients who use Amazon Aurora as their database solution may encounter a java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: ... could not load system variables
error, likely due to a known error tracked within the MariaDB project.
Please modify Tower Enterprise configuration as follows to try resolving the problem:
- Ensure your
uses the specified MariaDB URI. - Modify your
Q: Why are uploads of Datasets via direct calls to the Tower API failing?
When uploading Datasets via the Tower UI or CLI, some steps are automatically done on your behalf. To upload Datasets via the TOwer API, additional steps are required:
- Explicitly define the MIME type of the file being uploaded.
- Make two calls to the API:
- Create a Dataset object
- Upload the samplesheet to the Dataset object.
# Step 1: Create the Dataset object
$ curl -X POST "https://api.cloud.seqera.io/workspaces/$WORKSPACE_ID/datasets/" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{"name":"placeholder", "description":"A placeholder for the data we will submit in the next call"}'
# Step 2: Upload the datasheet into the Dataset object
$ curl -X POST "https://api.cloud.seqera.io/workspaces/$WORKSPACE_ID/datasets/$DATASET_ID/upload" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@samplesheet_full.csv; type=text/csv"
You can also use the tower-cli to upload the dataset to a particular workspace.
tw datasets add --name "cli_uploaded_samplesheet" ./samplesheet_full.csv
Q: Why is my uploaded Dataset not showing in the Tower Launch screen input field drop-down?
When launching a Nextflow workflow from the Tower GUI, the input
field drop-down will only show Datasets whose mimetypes match the rules specified in the associated nextflow_schema.json
file. If your Dataset has a different mimetype than specified in the pipeline schema, Tower will not present the file.
Note that a known issue in Tower 22.2 which caused TSV datasets to be unavailable in the drop-down has been fixed in version 22.4.1.
Example: The default nf-core RNASeq pipeline specifies that only files with a csv
mimetype should be provided as an input file. If you created a Dataset of mimetype tsv
, it would not appear as an input filed dropdown option.
Q: Can an input file mimetype restriction be added to the nextflow_schema.json file generated by the nf-core pipeline schema builder tool?
As of August 2022, it is possible to add a mimetype restriction to the nextflow_schema.json file generated by the nf-core schema builder tool but this must occur manually after generation, not during. Please refer to this RNASeq example to see how the mimetype
key-value pair should be specified.
Q: Why are my datasets converted to 'application/vnd.ms-excel' data type when uploading on a browser using Windows OS?
This is a known issue when using Firefox browser with the Tower version prior to 22.2.0. You can either (a) upgrade the Tower version to 22.2.0 or higher or (b) use Chrome.
For context, the Tower will prompt the message below if you encountered this issue.
"Given file is not a dataset file. Detected media type: 'application/vnd.ms-excel'. Allowed types: 'text/csv, text/tab-separated-values'"
Q: Why are TSV-formatted datasets not shown in the Tower launch screen input field drop-down menu?
An issue was identified in Tower version 22.2 which caused TSV datasets to be unavailable in the input data drop-down menu on the launch screen. This has been fixed in Tower version 22.4.1.
Email and TLS
Q: How do I solve TLS errors when attempting to send email?
Nextflow and Nextflow Tower both have the ability to interact with email providers on your behalf. These providers often require TLS connections, with many now requiring at least TLSv1.2.
TLS connection errors can occur due to variability in the default TLS version specified by your underlying JDK distribution. If you encounter any of the following errors, there is likely a mismatch between your default TLS version and what is expected by the email provider:
Unexpected error sending mail ... TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported. Please upgrade/update your client to support TLS 1.2" error
ERROR nextflow.script.WorkflowMetadata - Failed to invoke 'workflow.onComplete' event handler ... javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
To fix the problem, you can either:
- Set a JDK environment variable to force Nextflow and/or the Tower containers to use TLSv1.2 by default:
export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dmail.smtp.ssl.protocols=TLSv1.2"
- Add the following parameter to your nextflow.config file:
mail {
smtp.ssl.protocols = 'TLSv1.2'
In both cases, please ensure these values are also set for Nextflow and/or Tower:
Git integration
Q: Tower authentication to BitBucket fails, with the Tower backend log containing a warning: "Can't retrieve revisions for pipeline - https://my.bitbucketserver.com/path/to/pipeline/repo - Cause: Get branches operation not support by BitbucketServerRepositoryProvider provider"
If you have supplied correct BitBucket credentials and URL details in your tower.yml, but experience this error, update your Tower version to at least v22.3.0. This version addresses SCM provider authentication issues and is likely to resolve the retrieval failure described here.
Q: Does Tower offer a healthcheck API endpoint?
Yes. Customers wishing to implement automated healtcheck functionality should use Tower's service-info
# Run a healthcheck and extract the HTTP response code:
$ curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" --connect-timeout 2 "https://api.cloud.seqera.io/service-info" -H "Accept: application/json"
Q: Can I completely disable Tower's email login feature?
The email login feature cannot be completely removed from the Tower login screen.
Q: Can I restrict Tower access to a subset of email addresses, or none?
Removing the email section from the login page is not currently supported (as of Tower 23.1.3). You can, however, restrict which email identities may log into your Tower Enterprise instance using the trustedEmails
configuration paramater in your tower.yml file:
# tower.yml
# Any email address pattern which matches will have automatic access.
- '*@seqera.io`
- 'named_user@example.com'
# Alternatively, specify a single entry to deny access to all other emails.
- 'fake_email_address_which_cannot_be_accessed@your_domain.org'
Users with email addresses other than the trustedEmails
list will undergo an approval process on the Profile -> Admin -> Users page. This has been used effectively as a backup method when SSO becomes unavailable.
- You must rebuild your containers (i.e.,
docker-compose down
) to force Tower to implement this change. Ensure your database is persistent before issuing the docker-compose down command. See here for more information. - All login attempts are visible to the root user at Profile -> Admin panel -> Users.
- Any user logged in prior to the restriction will not be subject to the new restriction. An admin of the organization should remove users that have previously logged in via (untrusted) email from the Admin panel users list. This will restart the approval process before they can log in via email.
Q: Why am I receiving login errors stating that admin approval is required when using Azure AD OIDC?
The Azure AD app integrated with Tower must have user consent settings configured to "Allow user consent for apps" to ensure that admin approval is not required for each application login. See User consent settings.
Q: Why is my OIDC redirect_url set to http instead of https?
This can occur for several reasons. Please verify the following:
- Your
environment variable uses thehttps://
prefix. - Your
set totrue
. - Any Load Balancer instance that sends traffic to the Tower application is configured to use HTTPS as its backend protocol rather than TCP.
Q: Why isn't my OIDC callback working?
Callbacks could fail for many reasons. To more effectively investigate the problem:
- Set the Tower environment variable to
. - Ensure your
environment variables all match the values specified in your OIDC provider's corresponding application. - Ensure your network infrastructure allow necessary egress and ingress traffic.
Q: Why did Google SMTP start returning Username and Password not accepted
Previously functioning Tower Enterprise email integration with Google SMTP are likely to encounter errors as of May 30, 2022 due to a security posture change implemented by Google.
To reestablish email connectivity, please follow the instructions at https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3466521 to provision an app password. Update your TOWER_SMTP_PASSWORD
environment variable with the app password, and restart the application.
Q: Version 22.3.1: My downloaded Nextflow log file is broken.
A Tower Launcher issue has been identified which affects the Nextflow log file download in Tower version 22.3.1. A patch was released in version 22.3.2 that addresses this behavior. Update Tower to version 22.3.2 or later.
Q: Can Tower enable detailed logging related to sign-in activity?
Yes. For more detailed logging related to login events, set the following environment variable: TOWER_SECURITY_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG
Q: Can Tower enable detailed logging related to application activities?
Yes. For more detailed logging related to application activities, set the following environment variable: TOWER_LOG_LEVEL=TRACE
Q: Is my data safe?
Yes, your data stays strictly within your infrastructure itself. When you launch a workflow through Tower, you need to connect your infrastructure (HPC/VMs/K8s) by creating the appropriate credentials and compute environment in a workspace.
Tower then uses this configuration to trigger a Nextflow workflow within your infrastructure similar to what is done via the Nextflow CLI, therefore Tower does not manipulate any data itself and no data is transferred to the infrastructure where Tower is running.
Q: Is there a maximum number of open browser tabs which Tower can run in parallel?
Yes. Due to a limitation of server-side event technology implementation in HTTP/1.1, only five tabs can be open simultaneously (per browser product). Any more will remain stuck in a loading state.
Q: Can Tower integrate with 3rd party Java-based Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solutions?
Yes. You can mount the APM solution's JAR file in the backend
container and set the agent JVM option via the JAVA_OPTS
env variable.
Q: Is it possible to retrieve the trace file for a Tower-based workflow run?
- Set the following block in your
trace {
enabled = true
- Add a copy command to your pipeline's Advanced options > Post-run script field:
# Example: Export the generated trace file to an S3 bucket
# Ensure that your Nextflow head job has the necessary permissions to interact with the target storage medium!
aws s3 cp ./trace.txt s3://MY_BUCKET/trace/trace.txt
Q: When monitoring pipeline execution via the Runs tab, why do I occasionally see Tower reporting "Live events sync offline"?
Nextflow Tower uses server-sent events to push real-time updates to your browser. The client must establish a connection to the Nextflow Tower server's /api/live
endpoint to initiate the stream of data, and this connection can occasionally fail due to factors like network latency.
To resolve the issue, please try reloading the UI to reinitiate the client's connection to the server. If reloading fails to resolve the problem, please contact Seqera Support for assistance with webserver timeout settings adjustments.
Nextflow Configuration
Q: How can I specify Nextflow CLI run arguments when launching from Tower?
As of Nextflow v22.09.1-edge, when invoking a pipeline from Tower, you can specify Nextflow CLI run arguments by setting the NXF_CLI_OPTS
environment variable via pre-run script:
# Example:
export NXF_CLI_OPTS='-dump-hashes'
Q: Can a repository's nextflow_schema.json
support multiple input file mimetypes?
No. As of April 2022, it is not possible to configure an input field (example) to support different mime types (e.g. a text/csv
-type file during one execution, and a text/tab-separated-values
file in a subsequent run).
Q: Why are my --outdir
artefacts not available when executing runs in a cloud environment?
As of April 2022, Nextflow resolves relative paths against the current working directory. In a classic grid HPC, this normally corresponds to a subdirectory of the user's $HOME directory. In a cloud execution environment, however, the path will be resolved relative to the container file system meaning files will be lost when the container is termination. See here for more details.
Tower Users can avoid this problem by specifying the following configuration in the Advanced options > Nextflow config file configuration textbox: params.outdir = workDir + '/results
. This will ensure the output files are written to your stateful storage rather than ephemeral container storage.
Q: Can Nextflow be configured to ignore a Singularity cache?
Yes. To ignore the Singularity cache, add the following configuration item to your workflow: process.container = 'file:///some/singularity/image.sif'
Q: Why does Nextflow fail with a WARN: Cannot read project manifest ... path=nextflow.config
error message?
This error can occur when executing a pipeline where the source git repository's default branch is not populated with main.nf
and nextflow.config
files, regardless of whether the invoked pipeline is using a non-default revision/branch (e.g. dev
Current as of May 16, 2022, there is no solution for this problem other than to create blank main.nf
and nextflow.config
files in the default branch. This will allow the pipeline to run, using the content of the main.nf
and nextflow.config
in your target revision.
Q: Is it possible to maintain different Nextflow configuration files for different environments?
Yes. The main nextflow.config
file will always be imported by default. Instead of managing multiple nextflow.config
files (each customized for an environment), you can create unique environment config files and import them as their own profile in the main nextflow.config
// nextflow.config
profiles {
test { includeConfig 'conf/test.config' }
prod { includeConfig 'conf/prod.config' }
uat { includeConfig 'conf/uat.config' }
Q: Is there a limitation to the size of the BAM files that can be uploaded to the S3 bucket?
You will see this on your log file if you encountered an error related to this:
WARN: Failed to publish file: s3://[bucket-name]
AWS have a limitation on the size of the object that can be uploaded to S3 when using the multipart upload feature. You may refer to this documentation for more information. For this specific instance, it is hitting the maximum number of parts per upload.
The following configuration are suggested to work with the above stated AWS limitation:
Head Job CPUs = 16
Head Job Memory = 60000
Pre-run script = export NXF_OPTS="-Xms20G -Xmx40G"
Update the
to increase the chunk size and slow down the number of transfers.aws {
batch {
maxParallelTransfers = 5
maxTransferAttempts = 3
delayBetweenAttempts = 30
client {
uploadChunkSize = '200MB'
maxConnections = 10
maxErrorRetry = 10
uploadMaxThreads = 10
uploadMaxAttempts = 10
uploadRetrySleep = '10 sec'
Q: Why is Nextflow forbidden to retrieve a params file from Nextflow Tower?
Ephemeral endpoints can only be consumed once. Nextflow versions older than 22.04
may try to call the same endpoint more than once, resulting in an error similar to the following:
Cannot parse params file: /ephemeral/example.json - Cause: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://api.tower.nf/ephemeral/example.json
To resolve this problem, please upgrade your Nextflow version to version 22.04.x
or later.
Q: How can I prevent Nextflow from uploading intermediate files from local scratch to my S3 work directory?
Nextflow will only unstage files/folders that have been explicitly defined as process outputs. If your workflow has processes that generate folder-type outputs, please ensure that the process also purges any intermediate files that reside within. Failure to do so will result in the intermediate files being copied as part of the task unstaging process, resulting in additional storage costs and lengthened pipeline execution times.
Q: Why do some values specified in my git repository's nextflow.config change when the pipeline is launched via Tower?
Example: The following code block is specified in your nextflow.config:
aws {
region = 'us-east-1'
client {
uploadChunkSize = 209715200 // 200 MB
When the job instantiates on the AWS Batch Compute Environment, you will see that the uploadChunkSize
aws {
region = 'us-east-1'
client {
uploadChunkSize = 10485760 // 10 MB
This change occurred because Tower superimposes its 10 MB default value rather than using the value specified in the nextflow.config file.
To force the Tower-invoked job to use your desired value, please add the configuration setting in the Tower Workspace Launch screen's Advanced options > Nextflow config file textbox. In the case of our example above, you would simply need to add aws.client.uploadChunkSize = 209715200 // 200 MB
Nextflow configuration values that are affected by this behaviour include:
- aws.client.uploadChunkSize
- aws.client.storageEncryption
Q: Missing output file(s) [X] expected by process [Y]
error during task execution in an environment using Fusion v1
Fusion v1 has a limitation which causes tasks that run for less than 60 seconds to fail as the output file generated by the task is not yet detected by Nextflow. This is a limitation inherited from a Goofys driver used by the Fusion v1 implementation. Fusion v2 (to be made available to Tower Enterprise users during Q1 of 2023) resolves this issue.
If Fusion v2 is not yet available, or updating to v2 is not feasible, this issue can be addressed by instructing Nextflow to wait for 60 seconds after the task completes.
From Advanced options > Nextflow config file in Pipeline settings, add the following line to your Nextflow configuration:
process.afterScript = 'sleep 60'
Q: Why are jobs in RUNNING status not terminated when my pipeline run is canceled?
The behavior of Tower when canceling a run depends on the errorStrategy
defined in your process script. If the process errorStrategy
is set to finish
, an orderly pipeline shutdown is initiated when you cancel (or otherwise interrupt) a run. This instructs Nextflow to wait for the completion of any submitted jobs. To ensure that all jobs are terminated when your run is canceled, set errorStrategy
to terminate
in your Nextflow config. For example:
process ignoreAnyError {
errorStrategy 'ignore'
<your command string here>
Q: Why do some cached tasks run from scratch when I re-launch a pipeline?
When re-launching a pipeline, Tower relies on Nextflow's resume
functionality for the continuation of a workflow execution. This skips previously completed tasks and uses a cached result in downstream tasks, rather than running the completed tasks again. The unique ID (hash) of the task is calculated using a composition of the task's:
- Input values
- Input files
- Command line string
- Container ID
- Conda environment
- Environment modules
- Any executed scripts in the bin directory
A change in any of these values results in a changed task hash. Changing the task hash value means that the task will be run again when the pipeline is re-launched. To aid debugging efforts when a re-launch behaves unexpectedly, run the pipeline twice with dumpHashes=true
set in your Nextflow config file (from Advanced options -> Nextflow config file in the Pipeline settings). This will instruct Nextflow to dump the task hashes for both executions in the nextflow.log
file. You can compare the log files to determine the point at which the hashes diverge in your pipeline when it is resumed.
See here for more information on the Nextflow resume
Q: Why does my run fail with an "o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Incorrect string value" error?
[scheduled-executor-thread-2] - WARN o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 1366, SQLState: HY000
[scheduled-executor-thread-2] - ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - (conn=34) Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x94\x8D |...' for column 'error_report' at row 1
[scheduled-executor-thread-2] - ERROR i.s.t.service.job.JobSchedulerImpl - Oops .. unable to save status of job id=18165; name=nf-workflow-26uD5XXXXXXXX; opId=nf-workflow-26uD5XXXXXXXX; status=UNKNOWN
Runs will fail if your Nextflow script or Nextflow config contain illegal characters (such as emojis or other non-UTF8 characters). Validate your script and config files for any illegal characters before atttempting to run again.
Q: Why does a Nextflow script fail to run when exceeding 64KiB on Unicode code points?
The Groovy shell used by Nextflow to execute your workflow has a hard limit on string size (64KiB). Check the size of your scripts with the ls -llh
command. If the size is greater than 65,535 bytes, consider these mitigation techniques:
- Remove any unnecessary code or comments from the script.
- Move long script bodies into a separate script file in the pipeline
directory. - Consider using DSL2 so you can move each function, process, and workflow definition into its own script and include these scripts as modules.
Nextflow Launcher
Q: There are several nf-launcher images available in the Seqera image registry. How can I tell which one is most appropriate for my implementation?
Your Tower implementation knows the nf-launcher image version it needs and will specify this value automatically when launching a pipeline.
If you are restricted from using public container registries, please see Tower Enterprise Release Note instructions (example) for the specific image you should use and how to set this as the default when invoking pipelines.
Q: The nf-launcher is pinned to a specific Nextflow version. How can I make it use a different release?
Each Nextflow Tower release uses a specific nf-launcher image by default. This image is loaded with a specific Nextflow version, meaning that any workflow run in the container uses this Nextflow version by default. You can force your jobs to use a newer/older version of Nextflow with any of the following strategies:
- Use the Pre-run script advanced launch option to set the desired Nextflow version. Example:
export NXF_VER=22.08.0-edge
- For jobs executing in an AWS Batch compute environment, create a custom job definition which references a different nf-launcher image.
Q: Can I have users seamlessly log in to Tower if they already have an active session with their OpenId Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IDP)?
Yes. If you are using OIDC as your authentication method, it is possible to implement a seamless login flow for your users.
Rather than directing your users to http(s)://YOUR_TOWER_HOSTNAME
or http(s)://YOUR_TOWER_HOSTNAME/login
, point the user-initiated login URL here instead: http(s)://YOUR_TOWER_HOSTNAME/oauth/login/oidc
If your user already has an active session established with the IDP, they will be automatically logged into Tower rather than having to manually choose their authentication method.
Q: When using optimization, why are tasks failing with an OutOfMemoryError: Container killed due to memory usage
Improvements are being made to the way Nextflow calculates the optimal memory needed for containerized tasks, which will resolve issues with underestimating memory allocation in an upcoming release.
A temporary workaround for this issue is to implement a retry
error strategy in the failing process that will increase the allocated memory each time the failed task is retried. Add the following errorStrategy
block to the failing process:
process {
errorStrategy = 'retry'
maxRetries = 3
memory = 1.GB * task.attempt
Q: Is it possible to use the Nextflow SQL DB plugin to query AWS Athena?
Yes. As of Nextflow 22.05.0-edge, your Nextflow pipelines can query data from AWS Athena.
You must add the following configuration items to your nextflow.config
(Note: the use of secrets is optional):
plugins {
id 'nf-sqldb@0.4.0'
sql {
db {
'athena' {
url = 'jdbc:awsathena://AwsRegion=YOUR_REGION;S3OutputLocation=s3://YOUR_S3_BUCKET'
user = secrets.ATHENA_USER
password = secrets.ATHENA_PASSWORD
You can then call the functionality from within your workflow.
// Example
channel.sql.fromQuery("select * from test", db: "athena", emitColumns:true).view()
For more information on the implementation, please see https://github.com/nextflow-io/nf-sqldb/discussions/5.
Q: Can Tower integrate with private docker registries like JFrog Artifactory?
Yes. Tower-invoked jobs can pull container images from private docker registries. The method to do so differs depending on platform, however:
- If using AWS Batch, modify your EC2 Launch Template as per these directions from AWS.
Note:- This solution requires that your Docker Engine be at least 17.07 to use
. - You may need to add the following additional commands to your Launch Template depending on your security posture:
cp /root/.docker/config.json /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json && chmod 777 /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json
- This solution requires that your Docker Engine be at least 17.07 to use
- If using Azure Batch, please create a Container Registry-type credential in your Tower Workspace and associate it with the Azure Batch object also defined in the Workspace.
- If using Kubernetes, please use an
as per https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow/issues/2827.
Q: Why does my Nextflow log have a Remote resource not found
error when trying to contact the workflow repository?
This error can occur if the Nextflow head job fails to retrieve the necessary repository credentials from Nextflow Tower.
To determine if this is the case, please do the following:
- Check your Nextflow log for an entry like
DEBUG nextflow.scm.RepositoryProvider - Request [credentials -:-]
. - If the above is true, please check the protocol of the string that was assigned to your Tower instance's
configuration value. It is possible this has been erroneously set tohttp
rather thanhttps