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Version: 24.3

Quay container registry credentials

From version 22.3, Seqera Platform supports the configuration of credentials for the Nextflow Wave container service to authenticate to private and public container registries. For more information on Wave containers, see the Nextflow documentation.


Container registry credentials are only used by the Wave container service. Add wave { enabled=true } to the Nextflow config field on the launch page, or to your nextflow.config file, for your pipeline execution to use Wave containers.

For Quay repositories, we recommend using robot accounts with Read access permissions for authentication.

Create a Quay robot account

  1. Sign in to
  2. From the user or organization view, select the Robot Accounts tab.
  3. Select Create Robot Account.
  4. Enter a robot account name. The username for robot accounts have the format namespace+accountname, where namespace is the user or organization name and accountname is your chosen robot account name.
  5. Grant the robot account repository Read permissions from Settings > User and Robot Permissions in the repository view.
  6. Select the robot account in your admin panel to retrieve the token value.

Add credentials to Seqera

  1. Add your credentials to your organization or personal workspace:

    • From an organization workspace: Go to Credentials > Add Credentials.
    • From your personal workspace: From the user menu, go to Your credentials > Add credentials.
  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: Specify a unique name for the credentials using alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. For example, my-registry-creds.
    • Provider: Select Container registry.
    • User name: Specify your robot account username. For example, namespace+accountname.
    • Password: Specify your robot account access token. For example, PasswordFromQuayAdminPanel.
    • Registry server: Specify your container registry hostname. For example,
  3. After you've completed all the form fields, select Add. The new credential is now listed under the Credentials tab.