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Version: 24.3


Workflow executions submitted in Seqera Platform can be monitored wherever you have an internet connection.

The Runs tab contains all previous runs in the workspace. Each new or resumed run is given a random name such as grave_williams. Each row corresponds to a specific run. As a run executes, it can transition through the following states:

  • submitted: Pending execution
  • running: Running
  • succeeded: Completed successfully
  • failed: Successfully executed, where at least one task failed with a terminate error strategy
  • cancelled: Stopped manually during execution
  • unknown: Indeterminate status

Select the name of a run from the list to display that run's execution details.

Save run as pipeline

Available from version 23.1

From the Runs list, any run can be saved as a new pipeline for future use, regardless of run status. Select the item menu next to any run in the list, then select Save as pipeline. In the dialog box shown, you can edit the pipeline name, add labels, and Save.

You can Review and edit any run details prior to saving the pipeline. After you've saved the pipeline, it is listed on the Launchpad and can be run from the same workspace where it was created.

All runs view

The All runs page, accessed from the user menu, provides a comprehensive overview of the runs accessible to a user across the entire Seqera instance. This facilitates overall status monitoring and early detection of execution issues from a single view, split across organizations and workspaces.

The All runs view defaults to all organizations and workspaces you can access. Select the dropdown next to View to filter by specific organizations and workspaces, or to view runs from your personal workspace only.

The Search workflow bar allows you to filter by one or more <keyword>:<value> entries:

  • status
  • label
  • workflowId
  • runName
  • username
  • projectName
  • after: YYYY-MM-DD
  • before: YYYY-MM-DD
  • sessionId
  • is:starred

The search field populates with available suggestions when entering valid keywords. Suggested results for label: include available labels from all workspaces. Labels present in multiple workspaces are only suggested once.

Search covers all workflow runs inside a workspace, enabling easy retrieval of complex queries. Enter a search query in the Search workflow field to search and filter the runs in a workspace. The search text is interpreted by identifying all valid substrings formatted by keyword:value, combining all the rest in a single freeform text string, and then using all these search criteria to filter the runs.

For example:

rnaseq username:john_doe status:succeeded after:2024-01-01

will retrieve all runs from the workspace that meet the following criteria:

  • Ended successfully (status:succeeded)
  • Launched by user john_doe (username:john_doe)
  • Include rnaseq in the data fields covered by the free text search
  • Submitted after January 1, 2024

The freetext search uses a partial match to find runs, so it will search for *freetext*. The keyword:value item uses an exact match to filter runs, so username:john will not retrieve runs launched by john_doe.


Filtering elements are combined with AND logic. This means that queries like status:succeeded, status:submitted are formally valid but return an empty list because a workflow can only have one status.

The freeform text result of all the keyword:value pairs is merged into a unique string that includes spaces. This may result in an empty list of results if the search query contains typos.


Keywords corresponding to dates (after or before) are automatically converted to valid ISO-8601, taking your timezone into account. Partial dates are also supported: before:2022-5 is automatically converted to before:2022-05-01T00:00:00.000Z.

Seqera will suggest matching keywords while you type. Valid values are also suggested for some keywords, when supported.

Search keywords

  • Freeform text

    The search box allows you to search for partial matches with project name, run name, session id, or manifest name. Use wildcards (*) before or after keywords to filter results.

  • Exact match keywords

    • workflowId:3b7ToXeH9GvESr: Search workflows with a specific workflow ID.
    • runName:happy_einstein: Search workflows with a specific run name.
    • sessionId:85d35eae-21ea-4294-bc92-xxxxxxxxxxxx: Search workflows with a specific session ID.
    • projectName:nextflow-io/hello: Search workflows with a specific project name.
    • userName:john_doe: Search workflows by a specific user.
    • status:succeeded: Search workflows with a specific status (submitted, running, succeeded, failed, cancelled, unknown).
    • before:2024-01-01: Search workflows submitted on or before the given date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • after:2024-01-01: Search workflows submitted on or after the given date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • label:label1 label:label2: Search workflows with specific labels.
    • is:starred: Search workflows that have been starred by the user.