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Configuration options

The following Fusion configuration options are available:

fusion.enabledEnable/disable Fusion file system (default: false).
fusion.cacheSizeNew in version 23.11.0-edge. Fusion client local cache size limit.
fusion.containerConfigUrlURL for downloading the container layer provisioning the Fusion client.
fusion.exportStorageCredentialsNew in version 23.05.0-edge. Enable access to credentials for the underlying object storage are exported to the task environment (default: false). Previously named fusion.exportAwsAccessKeys.
fusion.logLevelFusion client log level.
fusion.logOutputLog output location.
fusion.privilegedNew in version 23.10.0. Enable privileged containers for Fusion (default: true). Non-privileged use is supported only on Kubernetes with the k8s-fuse-plugin or a similar FUSE device plugin.
fusion.tagsPattern for applying tags to files created via the Fusion client (default: [.command.*|.exitcode|.fusion.*](,[*]( Set to false to disable.

See Configuration options for a full list of Nextflow configuration options.