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Version: 24.3


Organizations are the top-level structure and contain workspaces, members, and teams. You can create multiple organizations, each of which can contain multiple workspaces with shared users and resources. This means you can customize and organize the use of resources while maintaining an access control layer for users associated with a workspace.

Organization owners can add or remove members from an organization or workspace, and can allocate specific access roles within workspaces. Teams provide a way to group users and participants together, such as workflow-developers or analysts, and apply access control for all users within that team.

You can also add external collaborators to an organization.

Create an organization

  1. From the user menu, select Your organizations, then Add Organization.
  2. Enter a Name and Full name for your organization.
  3. Enter any other optional fields as needed: Description, Location, Website URL, and Logo.
  4. Select Add.

Edit an organization


From version 23.2, organization owners can edit their organization name, either from the organizations page or the Admin panel.

As an organization owner, access the organization page from the organizations and workspaces dropdown, or open the user menu and select Your organizations to view and edit your organizations. As a root user, you can also edit organizations from the Admin panel.

Open the Settings tab on the organization page, and select Edit in the Edit Organization row. Update the settings and select Update to save.


You can view the list of all organization Members from the organization's page. Once an organization is created, the user who created the organization is the default owner of that organization. You can invite or add additional members to the workspace from the workspace page or the Admin panel.

Seqera provides access control for members of an organization by classifying them either as an Owner or a Member. Each organization can have multiple owners and members.

Add a member

To add a new member to an organization:

  1. Go to the Members tab of the organization menu.
  2. Select Add member.
  3. Enter the name or email address of the user you'd like to add to the organization.

An email invitation will be sent to the user. Once they accept the invitation, they can switch to the organization (or organization workspace) from the workspace dropdown.


For information about what happens when a user deletes their account, see user deletion.


Teams allow organization owners to group members and collaborators together into a single unit and to manage them as a whole.

Create a new team

To create a new team within an organization:

  1. Go to the Teams tab of the organization menu.
  2. Select Add Team.
  3. Enter the Name of team.
  4. Optionally, add the Description and the team's Avatar.
  5. Select Add.

To start adding members to your team, select Edit > Members of team > Add member and enter the name or email address of the organization members or collaborators.


Collaborators are users who are invited to an organization's workspace, but are not members of that organization. As a result, their access is limited to that organization workspace. You can view the list of all organization Collaborators from the organization's page.

New collaborators to an organization's workspace can be added as Participants from the workspace page. See User roles to learn more about participant access levels.


Collaborators can only be added from a workspace. For more information, see workspace management.