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Version: 23.2

AWS Batch


This guide assumes you have an existing Amazon Web Service (AWS) account.

The AWS Batch services quota for the job queue is 50 jobs. For more information on AWS Batch service quotas, see AWS Batch service quotas.

There are two ways to create a compute environment for AWS Batch with Tower:

  1. Batch Forge: This option automatically creates the AWS Batch resources in your AWS account. This eliminates the need to set up your AWS Batch infrastructure manually.

  2. Manual: This option allows Tower to use existing AWS Batch resources.

Batch Forge

Batch Forge automates the configuration of an AWS Batch compute environment and the queues required for deploying Nextflow pipelines. Note that this option will automatically create resources in your AWS account that you may be charged for by AWS.


To use the Batch Forge feature, Tower requires an Identity and Access Management (IAM) user with the permissions listed in this policy file. These authorizations are more permissive than those required to only launch a pipeline, since Tower needs to manage AWS resources on your behalf. Note that launch permissions also require the S3 storage write permissions in this policy file.

We recommend creating separate IAM policies for Batch Forge and Tower launch permissions using the policy files linked above. These policies can then be assigned to the Tower IAM user.

Create Tower IAM policies

  1. Open the AWS IAM console.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Policies under Access management.

  3. Select Create policy.

  4. On the Create policy page, select the JSON tab.

  5. Copy the contents of your policy JSON file (Forge or Launch, depending on the policy being created) and replace the default text in the policy editor area under the JSON tab. To create a Launch user, you must also create the S3 bucket write policy separately to attach to your Launch user.

  6. Select Next: Tags.

  7. Select Next: Review.

  8. Enter a name and description for the policy on the Review policy page, then select Create policy.

  9. Repeat these steps for both the forge-policy.json and launch-policy.json files. For a Launch user, also create the s3-bucket-write-policy.json listed in step 5 above.

Create an IAM user

  1. From the AWS IAM console, select Users in the left navigation menu, then select Add User at the top rigt of the page.

  2. Enter a name for your user (e.g. tower) and select the Programmatic access type.

  3. Select Next: Permissions.

  4. Select Next: Tags, then Next: Review and Create User.


    For the time being, you can ignore the "user has no permissions" warning. Permissions will be applied using the IAM Policy.

  5. Save the Access key ID and Secret access key in a secure location as we will use these in the next section.

  6. Once you have saved the keys, select Close.

  7. Back in the users table, select the newly created user,then select Add permissions under the Permissions tab.

  8. Select Attach existing policies, search for the policies created previously, and select each one.

  9. Select Next: Review.

  10. Select Add permissions.

S3 Bucket

S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a type of object storage. To access files and store the results for our pipelines, we have to create an S3 bucket and grant our new Tower IAM user access to it.

  1. Navigate to the S3 service.

  2. Select Create New Bucket.

  3. Enter a unique name for your bucket and select a region.


    To maximize data transfer resilience and minimize cost, storage should be in the same region as compute.

  4. Select the default options for Configure options.

  5. Select the default options for Set permissions.

  6. Review and select Create bucket.


S3 is used by Nextflow for the storage of intermediate files. In production pipelines, this can amount to a large quantity of data. To reduce costs, consider using a retention policy when creating a bucket, such as automatically deleting intermediate files after 30 days. See here for more information.

Compute environment

Batch Forge automates the configuration of an AWS Batch compute environment and queues required for the deployment of Nextflow pipelines.

Once the AWS resources are set up, we can add a new AWS Batch environment in Tower. To create a new compute environment:

  1. In a workspace, select Compute environments and then New environment.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for this environment, e.g., "AWS Batch Spot (eu-west-1)".

  3. Select Amazon Batch as the target platform.

  4. From the Credentials drop-down, select existing AWS credentials, or add new credentials by selecting the + button. If you select to use existing credentials, skip to step 7.

  5. Enter a name, e.g. "AWS Credentials".

  6. Add the Access key and Secret key. These are the keys you saved previously when you created the AWS IAM user.


    You can create multiple credentials in your Tower environment.

  7. Select a Region, e.g., "eu-west-1 - Europe (Ireland)".

  8. Enter the S3 bucket path created in the previous section to the Pipeline work directory field, e.g. s3://unique-tower-bucket.


    The bucket should be in the same region selected in the previous step.

  9. Select Enable Wave containers to facilitate access to private container repositories and provision containers in your pipelines using the Wave containers service. See Wave containers for more information.

  10. Select Enable Fusion v2 to allow access to your S3-hosted data via the Fusion v2 virtual distributed file system. This speeds up most data operations. The Fusion v2 file system requires Wave containers to be enabled (see above). See Fusion file system for configuration details.


    When using Fusion v2 without fast instance storage (see below), the following EBS settings are applied to optimize file system performance:

    • EBS autoscaling is disabled

    • EBS boot disk size is increased to 100 GB

    • EBS boot disk type GP3 is selected

    • EBS boot disk throughput is increased to 325 MB/s

    Extensive benchmarking of Fusion v2 has demonstrated that the increased cost associated with these settings are generally outweighed by the costs saved due to decreased run time.

  11. Select Enable fast instance storage to allow the use of NVMe instance storage to speed up I/O and disk access operations. NVMe instance storage requires Fusion v2 to be enabled (see above).


    Fast instance storage requires an EC2 instance type that uses NVMe disks. Tower validates any instance types you specify (from Advanced options > Instance types) during compute environment creation. If you do not specify an instance type, a standard EC2 instance with NVMe disks will be used ('c5ad', 'c5d', 'c6id', 'i3', 'i4i', 'm5ad', 'm5d', 'm6id', 'r5ad', 'r5d', 'r6id' EC2 instance families) for fast storage.

  12. Set the Config mode to Batch Forge.

  13. Select a Provisioning model. In most cases this will be Spot.


    You can choose to create a compute environment that launches either Spot or On-demand instances. Spot instances can cost as little as 20% of on-demand instances, and with Nextflow's ability to automatically relaunch failed tasks, Spot is almost always the recommended provisioning model.

    Note, however, that when choosing Spot instances, Tower will also create a dedicated queue for running the main Nextflow job using a single on-demand instance in order to prevent any execution interruptions.

  14. Enter the Max CPUs e.g. 64. This is the maximum number of combined CPUs (the sum of all instances CPUs) AWS Batch will provision at any time.

  15. Select EBS Auto scale to allow the EC2 virtual machines to dynamically expand the amount of available disk space during task execution.


    When running large AWS Batch clusters (hundreds of compute nodes or more), EC2 API rate limits may cause the deletion of unattached EBS volumes to fail. Volumes that remain active after Nextflow jobs have completed will incur additional costs, and should be manually deleted. Monitor your AWS account for any orphaned EBS volumes via the EC2 console, or with a Lambda function. See here for more information.

  16. With the optional Enable Fusion mounts (deprecated) feature enabled, S3 buckets specified in Pipeline work directory and Allowed S3 Buckets are mounted as file system volumes in the EC2 instances carrying out the Batch job execution. These buckets can then be accessed at /fusion/s3/<bucket-name>. For example, if the bucket name is s3://imputation-gp2, your pipeline will access it using the file system path /fusion/s3/imputation-gp2. Note: This feature has been deprecated. Consider using Fusion v2 (see above) for enhanced performance and stability.


    You do not need to modify your pipeline or files to take advantage of this feature. Nextflow will automatically recognize and replace any reference to files prefixed with s3:// with the corresponding Fusion mount paths.

  17. Select Enable GPUs if you intend to run GPU-dependent workflows in the compute environment. See GPU usage for more information.

  18. Select Use Graviton CPU architecture to execute the pipeline on Graviton-based EC2 instances (ARM64 CPU architecture). When enabled, Tower automatically selects m6g, r6g and c6g instance types for compute jobs. You can override this selection in the Instance types field under Advanced settings.


    Requires Fargate, Wave containers, and Fusion v2 file system to be enabled. This feature is not compatible with GPU-based architecture.

    This is a preview feature that requires the use of Nextflow 23.06.0-edge. In Tower Enterprise deployments, set TOWER_ENABLE_ARM64=true to enable Graviton instance support.

  19. Enter any additional Allowed S3 buckets that your workflows require to read input data or write output data. The Pipeline work directory bucket above is added by default to the list of Allowed S3 buckets.

  20. To use EFS, you can either select Use existing EFS file system and specify an existing EFS instance, or select Create new EFS file system to create one. If you intend to use the EFS file system as your work directory, you will need to specify <your_EFS_mount_path>/work in the Pipeline work directory field (step 8 of this guide).

    • To use an existing EFS file system, enter the EFS file system id and EFS mount path. This is the path where the EFS volume is accessible to the compute environment. For simplicity, we advise that you use /mnt/efs as the EFS mount path.
    • To create a new EFS file system, enter the EFS mount path. We advise that you specify /mnt/efs as the EFS mount path.
    • EFS file systems created by Batch Forge are automatically tagged in AWS with Name=TowerForge-<id>, with <id> being the compute environment ID. Any manually added Tower resource label with the key Name (capital N) will override the automatically-assigned TowerForge-<id> label.
  21. To use FSx for Lustre, you can either select Use existing FSx file system and specify an existing FSx instance, or select Create new FSx file system to create one. If you intend to use the FSx file system as your work directory, you will need to specify <your_FSx_mount_path>/work in the Pipeline work directory field (step 8 of this guide).

    • To use an existing FSx file system, enter the FSx DNS name and FSx mount path. The FSx mount path is the path where the FSx volume is accessible to the compute environment. For simplicity, we advise that you use /mnt/fsx as the FSx mount path.
    • To create a new FSx file system, enter the FSx size (in GB) and the FSx mount path. We advise that you specify /mnt/fsx as the FSx mount path.
    • FSx file systems created by Batch Forge are automatically tagged in AWS with Name=TowerForge-<id>, with <id> being the compute environment ID. Any manually added Tower resource label with the key Name (capital N) will override the automatically-assigned TowerForge-<id> label.
  22. Select Dispose resources if you want Tower to automatically delete these AWS resources if you delete the compute environment in Tower.

  23. Apply Resource labels to the cloud resources consumed by this compute environment. Workspace default resource labels are prefilled.

  24. Expand Staging options to include optional pre- or post-run Bash scripts that execute before or after the Nextflow pipeline execution in your environment.

  25. You can use the Environment variables option to specify custom environment variables for the Head job and/or Compute jobs.

  26. Configure any advanced options described below, as needed.

  27. Select Create to finalize the compute environment setup. It will take a few seconds for all the resources to be created, and then you will be ready to launch pipelines.

Jump to the documentation for launching pipelines.

Advanced options

  • Specify the Allocation strategy and indicate any preferred Instance types. AWS applies quotas for the number of running and requested Spot and On-demand instances per account. AWS will allocate instances from up to 20 instance types, based on those requested for the compute environment. AWS excludes the largest instances when you request more than 20 instance types.

  • Configure a custom networking setup using the VPC ID, Subnets, and Security groups fields.

  • You can specify a custom AMI ID.


    To use a custom AMI, make sure the AMI is based on an Amazon Linux-2 ECS optimized image that meets the Batch requirements. To learn more about approved versions of the Amazon ECS optimized AMI, see this AWS guide


    If a custom AMI is specified and the Enable GPU option is also selected, the custom AMI will be used instead of the AWS-recommended GPU-optimized AMI.

  • If you need to debug the EC2 instance provisioned by AWS Batch, specify a Key pair to log in to the instance via SSH.

  • You can set Min CPUs to be greater than 0, in which case some EC2 instances will remain active. An advantage of this is that pipeline executions will initialize faster.


    Keeping EC2 instances running may result in additional costs. You will be billed for these running EC2 instances regardless of whether you are executing pipelines or not.

  • Use Head Job CPUs and Head Job Memory to specify the hardware resources allocated for the Head Job.

  • Use Head Job role and Compute Job role to grant fine-grained IAM permissions to the Head Job and Compute Jobs.

  • Add an execution role ARN to the Batch execution role field to grant permissions to make API calls on your behalf to the ECS container used by Batch. This is required if the pipeline launched with this compute environment needs access to the secrets stored in this workspace. This field can be ignored if you are not using secrets.

  • Specify an EBS block size (in GB) in the EBS auto-expandable block size field to control the initial size of the EBS auto-expandable volume. New blocks of this size are added when the volume begins to run out of free space.

  • Enter the Boot disk size (in GB) to specify the size of the boot disk in the VMs created by this compute environment.

  • If you're using Spot instances, you can also specify the Cost percentage, which is the maximum allowed price of a Spot instance as a percentage of the On-Demand price for that instance type. Spot instances will not be launched until the current spot price is below the specified cost percentage.

  • Use AWS CLI tool path to specify the location of the aws CLI.

  • Specify a CloudWatch Log group for the awslogs driver to stream the logs entry to an existing Log group in Cloudwatch.

  • Specify a custom ECS agent configuration for the ECS agent parameters used by AWS Batch. This is appended to the /etc/ecs/ecs.config file in each cluster node.


    Altering this file may result in a malfunctioning Batch Forge compute environment. See Amazon ECS container agent configuration to learn more about the available parameters.


This section is for users with a pre-configured AWS environment. You will need a Batch queue, a Batch compute environment, an IAM user and an S3 bucket already set up.

To enable Tower within your existing AWS configuration, you need to have an IAM user with the following IAM permissions:

  • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly
  • CloudWatchLogsReadOnlyAccess
  • A custom policy to grant the ability to submit and control Batch jobs.
  • Write access to any S3 bucket used by pipelines with the following policy template. See below for details.

With these permissions set, we can add a new AWS Batch compute environment in Tower.

Access to S3 Buckets

Tower can use S3 to store intermediate and output data generated by pipelines. You need to create a policy for your Tower IAM user that grants access to specific buckets.

  1. Go to the IAM User table in the IAM service

  2. Select the IAM user.

  3. Select Add inline policy.

  4. Copy the contents of this policy into the JSON tab. Replace YOUR-BUCKET-NAME (lines 10 and 21) with your bucket name.

  5. Name your policy and select Create policy.

Compute environment

To create a new compute environment for AWS Batch (without Forge):

  1. In a workspace, select Compute environments and then New environment.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for this environment, e.g., "AWS Batch Manual (eu-west-1)".

  3. Select Amazon Batch as the target platform.

  4. Add new credentials by selecting the + button.

  5. Enter a name for the credentials, e.g., "AWS Credentials".

  6. Enter the Access key and Secret key for your IAM user.


    You can create multiple credentials in your Tower environment. See the Credentials section.

  7. Select a Region, e.g., "eu-west-1 - Europe (Ireland)".

  8. Enter an S3 bucket path for the Pipeline work directory, e.g., s3://tower-bucket.

  9. Set the Config mode to Manual.

  10. Enter the Head queue, which is the name of the AWS Batch queue that the Nextflow driver job will run.

  11. Enter the Compute queue, which is the name of the AWS Batch queue that tasks will be submitted to.

  12. Use the Environment variables option to specify custom environment variables for the Head job and/or Compute jobs.

  13. Configure any advanced options described below, as needed.

  14. Select Create to finalize the compute environment setup.

Jump to the documentation for launching pipelines.

Advanced options

  • Use Head Job CPUs and Head Job Memory to specify the hardware resources allocated for the Head Job.

  • Use Head Job role and Compute Job role to grant fine-grained IAM permissions to the Head Job and Compute Jobs

  • Add an execution role ARN to the Batch execution role field to grant permissions to make API calls on your behalf to the ECS container used by Batch. This is required if the pipeline launched with this compute environment needs access to the secrets stored in this workspace. This field can be ignored if you are not using secrets.

  • Use AWS CLI tool path to specify the location of the aws CLI.

  • Specify a CloudWatch Log group for the awslogs driver to stream the logs entry to an existing Log group in Cloudwatch.